by Martin, Reed & Tichenor, Austin

  • All the Great Books New

Genre: Comedy

Cast 3 male

Length Full

Set Flexible

Licence ESW ex US & Canada

ISBN 9780856762932

Confused by Confucius? Wish Swift was swifter? Moby a bit quicker? Then prepare to enjoy another outrageous assault on the senses with over eighty of the greatest literary masterpieces brought humbly down to Earth. This fast-paced comedy flies through a crash course in Western Literature from The Iliad to Harry Potter, plus everything else you really should have read by now but couldn’t be bothered. Taking the form of a crash-course remedial English class, three actors playing a drama teacher, coach and an inept student-teacher all play their part in this tour de force of theatrical pyrotechnics. “Who knew that Homer was so funny – not Simpson, the other one?” – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “Intertextuality can rarely have felt so frantic, or so funny.” – The Scotsman

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