DRACULA (Godber & Thornton)

by Godber, John & Thornton, Jane

  • Dracula (Thornton/Godber) New

Genre: Thriller

Cast 6 male 3 female

Length Full

Set Flexible

Licence World ex. US & Canada

ISBN 9780856762161

A new adaptation of the most chilling story of all time. True to Stoker’s original novel, Dracula is a fast-moving multi-layered masterpiece of fear. As a sudden and mysterious storm whips the coast of England, a young woman sleepwalks along the edge of a cliff. In the teeth of the gale, a ship crashes through the harbour entrance, abandoned except for an immense dog and fifty boxes of grave dust. The Transylvanian Count Dracula has arrived in England. Immortal only as long as he is able to drink the blood of the living, he pursues his victims with brutally devastating effect. From the remote wilderness of Yorkshire to a vast ruined castle near to London whose windows omit no light, the race to end Dracula’s lustful power is underway, if only there is still time . . .

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