by Kishon, Ephriam

  • a plays

Genre: Comedy

Cast 2 male 1 female

Length Full

Set Interior

Licence World in English


30 years after Romeo and Juliet fail to commit suicide, we find them squabbling together in this ingenious farce with music. Original score available on request.
   “The early romantic situation has now developed, or descended, to the usual married life of any ordinary mortals with disagreements, rows and a problem daughter. In the middle of one of these rows, Will Shakespeare, their creator, arrives on the scene. He is not a ghost, apparently, and often pays them a visit. They are well aware of who he is and blame the deterioration of their relationship on him for not having given them a happier ending. He tries to appease them in an inferior blank verse and quotations from other plays, some of which impress them. The use of well-known quotes and characters make for amusing theatre and not even the most ardent Shakespeare scholar could object to the manner of their use.” [Plays of 1984/5]


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