WICKIES: The Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor

by Morrissey, Paul


Genre: Thriller

Cast 3 male

Length Full

Set Interior

Licence World

ISBN 9780856764615

December 26th, 1900. A replacement crew arrives on Eilean Mor, a lighthouse on the Flannan Islands far off the coast of the remote and desolate Outer Hebrides. When the crew step ashore they find the lighthouse unlocked, the fire out, kitchen chairs overturned and half-eaten food on the table… they soon realise, too, that the clock has stopped and more importantly, the light was out. The first rule is that the lighthouse’s light never goes out… ever. The three current lighthouse keepers have vanished without a trace.

Inspired by a true story, Wickies is a supernatural thriller that seeks to unravel the enduring mystery of the Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor…

“Wickies is a juicy hunk of storytelling that whets your appetite and keeps you
wanting more.” (WhatsOnStage)


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